Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Welcome back to "The Hill" Students, Faculty and Staff!

Here are a few TAN updates:

1. Buchanan Hall is closed for renovations and the TAN offices are now located in 128 J.F. Drake Memorial LRC (Monday - Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.) and 121 Thomas Hall (Monday to Thursday: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.).

2. To request tutorial assistance, complete the tutorial request form by clicking Request a Tutor.

3. To view the listing of TAN tutors, courses and schedules, click Fall 2012 Tutor Schedules.
4. To view the listing of TAN SI Leaders, courses and schedules, click Fall 2012 Supplemental Instruction (SI) Schedules.
5. The TAN team is dedicated to supporting you.
6. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please contact the TAN office by calling 256-372-5487. The team would love to hear from you.


Monday, April 30, 2012

Thank You!

Finals are complete. Now we wait. We wait for grades to post. We ponder what we could have done differently; and we reflect on the relationships we built during the semester and year.

Thank you for using the Tutorial Assistance Network (TAN) and for providing us with the vital feedback we need to continually improve our services. The TAN team values your patronage and your input. We treasure you and look forward to working with you in the coming semesters.

With gratitude,
The TAN Team

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Academic Record Check

Have you reviewed your transcript lately? Do you know how to check your transcript for errors? Is your  demographic information accurate in Banner and on your transcript: major, date of birth, telephone number, permanent address, current address, email address?

Come to 105 Buchanan Hall to check your transcript and to ensure that it is an accurate record of your matriculation at the University. Academic Record Checks will also be available:

9-11 am Dates and Locations:
March 29 Knight Complex
April 3 Terry Hall
April 5 Grayson Hall
April 10 Palmer Hall
April 12 Hopkins Hall
April 17 Morris Hall
April 19 Thigpen Hall
April 24 Palmer Hall & Thomas Hall

7-9 pm Dates and Locations:
March 28 Grayson Hall
March 29 Hopkins Hall
April 4 Palmer Hall
April 5 Knight Complex
April 11 Morris Hall
April 12 Terry Hall
April 18 Foster Complex
April 19 Thomas Hall

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Just Around The Corner

Each graduation ceremony, as I listen to Pomp and Circumstance, I think of some of the challenges students encountered during their matriculation. Knowing that each student marching in the graduation processional overcame those challenges is a source of pride. It is another piece of evidence that despite the challenges faced in college these graduates will persist in achieving their goals. What are the challenges you are experiencing today? How may TAN help you to achieve your goals? Drop us a line. The end of the semester is just around the corner.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Textbook Reading Strategies

When reading your textbooks, begin with the end in mind. Here are six steps.

 Step 1:

Answer the following questions:
  1.      Why are you reading this information?
  2.      What grade do you intend to make in this course?
  3.      What guidelines regarding this information were provided by your syllabus and instructor?
  4.      What do you hope to achieve?
  5.      Do you know any information about the subject matter?
  6.      How much time did you schedule to read the information and take notes?

 Step 2:

Take a few minutes to scan the assigned chapter(s). Be sure to:

a.       View chapter titles, paragraph titles, and chapter summaries to obtain an overview of the information you will cover in your reading;

b.      Turn your titles/headings into questions and record these questions;

c.       Seek to find the answers to your questions;

d.      Examine charts, tables or other tools which simplify the information being presented; and

    1. Identify words which are bold, italicized, or underlined.
Step 3:
Read to answer the questions you wrote and to obtain a better understanding of the information.

Step 4:
Next, try to answer the questions you wrote while scanning and reading the chapter to identify how much information you remember.

Step 5:
Spend time reviewing your notes and creating simple ways to remember the important information identified.

Step 6:
Test your knowledge on the information read.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Wants vs Needs

Do not let the cold temperatures interrupt achieving your goals. Yes, sometimes outside is so cold that you want to snuggle up in bed. However, keep your true goals ahead of you and remember that your wants do not always help you to fulfill your needs. So...
...keep attending classes;
...keep attending tutorial sessions;
...keep your designated study times; and
...dress warmly so that you are not distracted by the low temperatures.

Keep focused on your success. Your life goals are worth it!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Spring 2012

Recently, one of the TAN tutors visited the office to share a few words of encouragement with me. We chatted for a few minutes, focusing on the importance of attitude. During our conversation, we agreed that a positive attitude is one of the contributing factors to achieving your goals. This semester, evaluate how you have achieved true success in the past and identify the people who are able to serve as your success partners. The TAN team is ready to assist you. Our team members want to be your success partners. Call us today at 256-372-5487.

TAN looks forward to a great semester with you! Be sure to read our Tip of The Day and Student Reflections.